Misty Water Colored 3rd Grade Valentine Memories
The other day my husband and I were talking about those little life moments where something goes just a little bit wrong. Those moments that at the time their happening they aren't too terribly un-comfortable but who could know at the time you'd carry them around for 50 years or so? One of my little life moments was at yep, you guessed it, Valentine's Day.
Lots of those 3rd grade moments seem to be pivotal moments for me. One's that shape your life, one's that I can remember as if they happened yesterday. But that one Valentine's Day episode stands out like no other! I'd been planning on how I was going to give the boy I had a crush on some valentine candy conversation hearts. Planning for days....how, when, how....So it's lunch time, and that has given me all day to think about how I'm going to give this boy this box of candy conversation hearts hidden in my lunch pail. I dare not write his name on them or he'd know they arrived at school with some preconceived plan to give them to him. Finally I muster up just enough courage to walk up to him and say "I have extra of these, do you want them?" Thank God he took them or we'd might have spent an extra few years in therapy over that one. So I'm shy, and had I had one extra ounce of courage I wouldn't have held out and handled it the way I did. And today I practice being uncomfortable while I do what I think is the right thing, or say how I feel about something without over thinking it. Because I'm worth it. I tell my children the same thing. They are worth it, and to go for their dreams, and tell the people you love how you feel. I will probably be carrying that dumb little life moment with me till I'm gone, I think about it while the little girls on tv oohh and ahhh about their Hallmark cards, no one running screaming out of those sweet and fluffy commercials.....but I've had many years of my little one's to give Valentine's candy to, buy schoolmates cards and candy, and I'll happily show my loved one's how I feel today. I get to enjoy the sweetness every time I make a Valentine's Day mini chocolate or candy.
Who's laughing now Ronnie!
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