I couldn't sleep I was so excited to get some new Halloween miniatures in the store. Miniature donuts, cupcakes, cookies, cakes, and candy too all in Halloween colors. Keep checking back for more because I'm not finished yet:) Enjoy your day! Thanks for checkin us out! Cathy
The Eiffel Tower, candy, bon appetite, and fleur de lis are a few of the prints on these pink gift bags and presents in 1/12" scale for the miniature dollhouse. Clicking on the photo above will show a closer view.
I was telling Lisa, a fellow Mayville resident and friend about this great YouTube video NBC shot at 'The Broken Teapot' and she informed me of another video I apparently missed out on! Taken the same day here in town, is Lisa herself chatting with our news guy Bryan Hughes aka Travel Mid Michigan/Meteoroligist. I told her I'd be posting that video on the blog, and finally here it is.... Mayville Sunflower Festival 2009 and since it isn't on YouTube yet I can't embed it, that stinks. However, it is set to Kenny Chesney music, and more Mayville Michigan fun from last year's Sunflower Festival. It's fun:) While I'm at it I will also share another video Lisa sent me this morning. Below is a promotional stunt done in Antwerp Belgium, from one of my all time favorite movies, 'The Sound Of Music'. Definitely worth watching if only to see the people's reaction to something so surprisingly fantastic.
Lastly, as much as I procrastinate, Jen over there at her blog Jemjoop has been so kind to include me in her challenge so ok Miss Jen here is the 4th photo. As much as I hate to do this, unfortunately I have run out of time to list 4 more folks to challenge, darnit! Feel free to volunteer though. You can even volunteer twice!
I saw the fireworks at the Festival and once again they delivered! For this small town, those fireworks rocked! If you'd seen them I'd bet you'd agree they surpass any festival fireworks around! Now I'm headed back to get those Halloween cookies finished.
Although it seems lately all I do is steal minutes in the day, some things just must be shared. I'll start with this photo:) This is a crop I pass every time I head out to the farm. To me this is an amazingly beautiful picture and I am reminded I'm surrounded by beauty if I only stop and take the time to look.
This is my boy! I don't believe I've posted his graduation photo before, isn't he handsome! My son Brent just got promoted yesterday to Lance Corporal. My little bucket head, I'm so proud of him:) Lance Corporal is A non-commissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above private first class and below corporal. From lancepesade, from obsolete French lancepessade, from Italian lancia spezzata, superior soldier. That's him.
Taken here in Michigan last year, this is a great shot of Brent doing what he loves, fishing. He is missing out on fishing right now, but I won't rub that in. "Good job buddy, nope no one is fishing here *wink*."
Oh wait, I was making Halloween miniatures yesterday!!! I have new cookies not yet listed, but will be along shortly, and these cute little candy filled gift bags, it was fun making Halloween! I look forward to more soon.
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