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September 28, 2009



My little yellow peeps from you are one of my most favorite things in my dollhouse. These are adorable too! I think I need to learn to make fruit butter- I have a ton of apples I don't know what I am going to do with. Happy fall Cathy!!!

Cathy Kredell

Hi Kim, Happy Fall to you too:) Since you mentioned it I updated the post to link to the apple jelly recipe. It's an easy one, and good too. I substituted and put 1 cup brown sugar and only 3 cups white sugar for a total of 4. It's good stuff! Peeps!


Oh Cathy- I posted in the next entry before I came back and read your reply! How nice of you to link the recipe for me!!! Now I have at least one thing to do with those apples- and I am getting a little better at making apple pie too. You are awesome- a million thank you's from me!!!!

Cathy Kredell

Oh my pleasure Kim, I hope it works out for you, apples keep for some time so I don't think there is a hurry.

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