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November 30, 2009




I don't do Facebook but I do Twitter. Do you have a Twitter account?

I wanted to let you know that your goodies are now in their new home, my Pinkalicious Bakery!

Here's the link if you'd like to check it out!!



Hmmm, maybe my post didn't take!

I don't do Facebook but I do Twitter :)

I wanted to let ou know my goodies are now in place at my Pinkalicious Bakery! If you'd like to take a peek, here's the link!



Cathy Kredell

Thank You for posting the link to the Pinkalicious Bakery! It's awesomely pink and sweet!

Thank You!
Cathy McGhee
Follow Our Blog at www.thefabulousfarmhouse.typepad.com/the_fabulous_farmhouse
Want to shop for miniatures?
Visit our website at www.thefabulousfarmhouse.com

or visit our new Etsy store at http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6685266

Cathy Kredell

I forgot to add, no Twitter account yet:)

Thank You!
Cathy McGhee
Follow Our Blog at www.thefabulousfarmhouse.typepad.com/the_fabulous_farmhouse
Want to shop for miniatures?
Visit our website at www.thefabulousfarmhouse.com

or visit our new Etsy store at http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6685266


Cathy- I messed up and friended and became a fan- feel free to reject the friend request because I play farmville a lot with my niece and I don't want to clutter up your feed- but I want to be a fan!!

Mozi is so sweet- merry christmas to Mozi and your entire family. No new little one yet? If I don't see you post I hope you have a fabulous holiday!!!

Cathy Kredell

Ok Kim, I know so many folks love to play farmville! My all time favorite is roller coaster tycoon so I understand how addicting it can be!!! I am not a Grandma yet, any day though! My goodness!! Merry Christmas to you as well, you'll see me!!

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