I have to say how much I'm enjoying Networked Blogs The reason I say this is because I find it so easy to keep track of the latest blog entries from the blogs I follow. If you've added me as a Facebook Friend you can see on my profile all of the wonderful blogs I'm following. I am amazed at the talented artists that work in miniature! Amazing things. I more often than not find myself on a blog that has a catchy picture of another blog or link that I click on that leads to another blog that has a catchy picture or link and on and on. You too? I don't think I'm alone in that either lol, I know you blog surfers are out there clicking! The networked blogs is great to make sure I don't miss anything:) Here is just a sample of the wonderful miniature blogs I follow.
So, that is 8 listings. I have uhm, over 40? Or is it 50. I don't know, don't worry, I'll add more:) Lol! What can I say, they're great, and you must check them out. Some of these folks sell miniatures, some do not, but no matter what you're looking for you are bound to see it in miniature. Don't forget, add me and take a peek at my networked blogs.
When I tear myself away from these incredibly awesome blogs I am making valentine cupcakes, updating category photos in the store, and getting a miniature giveaway together to list soon. Valentines is just around the corner and I'm hoping to make it extra sweet! Below is a new category photo I added yesterday. Clicking on the photo will take you to the Mardi Gras section in our store. Another recent change to the store was switching the featured items slides with the new items. I thought it more interesting to look at since every time you switch a page a new within the past 30 days will appear now. I also added a tell a friend button in the store next to all of the items listed. You'll see next time you're there:) Thanks for stopping by, and thank you for following too! Warmly, Cathy McGhee
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