Pat Hausman sent me this photo of a display she made in miniature for her daughter's wedding. Isn't this great? It seems miniatures are becoming more and more popular in many venues. I love when friends and customers share their creative efforts with me so I can show them to you too! Pat sent this photo some time back, and I've been remiss in posting anything. I'm sorry Pat, but I am grateful she shared this as I am afraid I haven't anything new of my own to share with anyone, in miniature that is.
My daughter is getting married this coming Saturday June 12th, I wish I'd made one of these awesome displays like Pat did for her daughter, just beautiful!
As for me, I find myself single again, hence the very long gap in posting anything here. Lots of healing time needed. I am working outside of the home, as well as maintaining my business at The Fabulous Farmhouse. There has been a new posting on the front page regarding ordering out of stock, 7-10 days to shipping. The out of stock has been turned off briefly as it's just easier for folks to order what it is they need, but as always you can send me an email and I will add it to the list of items wanted.
My brain just recently started considering making anything new, so I do hope to get my hands on some fun new things soon. On Wednesday June 9, I will have my hands on my Grand baby Naomi whom I haven't met yet, she's a mini so she will be a better than ever substitute for cupcakes or chocolates, they will come though, and I will be thrilled to let you know when. I must say, I love my friends and family for loving and supporting me through this very difficult time in my life. I am eternally grateful, God Bless you all. Finally, a post from me! Love, Cathy
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