Happy Valentine's Day from me! Schedule is: crazy busy but I'm not complaining:) I wanted to post today on Valentine's to say how grateful I am for all of the love I have in my life today. I am surrounded by the best friends and family I could ever hope for.
My daughter Megan and granddaughter Naomi, hanging out yesterday. I love you girls, endlessly.
Then there's this Never Say Never Justin Bieber movie. My friend Bob took me to. The fact he knew it was out in theatres was impressive, but his desire to take me to see it, hands down my kinda guy. Thanks Bob.
The movie title says it, the movie describes it, what one can do when they are surrounded with positive loving people in their lives that encourage good things, and to move past limitations or negativity set on us by others. Dream it, do it, live it! Be you. Aside from the fact that Justin Bieber is a little cutie and makes me all goofy when his song "U Smile" comes on, this kid reminds me to live with my heart wide open, dancing, singing, and loving the incredible person I am. Sharing with, and empowering everyone in my life. This is how I say I love you. This is how I say god loves us.
Did you know?
My miniatures site, The Fabulous Farmhouse almost never came to be. My husband at the time would tell me it was a waste of time and insist my priorities were elsewhere, right up until the day my friend Kim Saulter told me to believe my dreams. Kim said she loved my miniatures, she believed in me, and I could be successful if I tried. I got rid of him and kept her. Thank you my friend.You are priceless.
I have some packages due to post today so I will say goodbye, be blessed, be open to experience beautiful love both giving and recieving. And encourage others. We never know what may change someone's life. Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Cathy
My favorite photo lately of me being the 30lbs smaller version of me, wearing Jen's favorite glasses...
Happy Valentines Day to you Cathy! (tears are rolling) Thank you my friend. I love you too!
Posted by: kim | February 14, 2011 at 11:50 AM
Happy Valentines Day to you Cathy. ( Tears rolling ) Big hugs to you my friend. I love you too!
Posted by: kim | February 14, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Happy Valentine's Day:)
Posted by: Cathy Kredell | February 14, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Happy Valentines Day Cathy!! I love to see your positive posts and how strong you are. I am proud to call such a strong, loving, positive woman my friend- you are inspiration to me ♥ You're looking great too my friend :)
Posted by: kim | February 14, 2011 at 02:34 PM
and Kim you are the proof of this. You see these things, strong, loving, sharing, inspirational, beautiful, because you are these things to me and others. I am so blessed. I am the lucky one too:)
Posted by: Cathy Kredell | February 15, 2011 at 09:27 AM