One Week Only!!! Free Shipping with $20.00 order. Tell a friend! US Orders only. One use of coupon per customer. Not valid with other coupons or special requests. Coupon good through Sunday August 28th, 2011. Simply enter code word august in coupon area at checkout.
Yea...good thing it's a bit of a ways away because I put the wrong label on the Halloween hanging candy I was going to list today. Dangit. I made the correction, they'll be in the store soon :) Today I am accepting my imperfections, and smiling.
I wanted to post and remind about the featured items in the store. This is where recently restocked items are posted in one place. They are ever changing as items are sold or have been showcased for two weeks. You can find these items on the top left side of The Fabulous Farmhouse webstore. Here's the direct link....
I also added some new miniatures today. Come by and check out the store! I am working on marshmallow ghosts, more hanging candy, cupcakes, and hmmm.....more:) Have a great day! Hugs, Cathy
Michigan's First Warrior Dash was held this past weekend in Mt. Morris and was the second largest attended 5K race sponsored by Red Frog Events read more about it here....
Months of training, and preparing for amazing good messy fun was well worth the skinned knee, bruised elbow, and blister on my pinky toe. My cousin and myself along with literally thousands of other fearless warriors ran through disgusting mucky water, leapt over fire, scaled 12 foot walls, and tasted victory (mud) as we were cheered on by my sweetheart, friends and family. Music pumped, beer flowed, costumes were outrageous, and we were warriors!
The most thrilling part of the course for me was after I scaled a knobbed wall, and was sitting on top looking over the other side as the man below is telling me to grab onto the rope and swing out and jump. Oh yeaaaa right! Hahaha! I shimmied down that rope instead. The grossest part of the course was the tar pit of really gross creek water mud pit (more like black dinasaur and leech pit) followed immediately by very gooey mud with many shoes stuck in it and about 4 very slippery hills.
Those were some of the highlights of the 12 course obstacles we took on, my absolute favorite was jumping into the cool mud and barbed wire just before the finish line :) That, and of course finishing. Participating in a fabulous life with amazing loving people. We win!
Life is so big, so full, I am loving this summer!!!
I want to wish a very Happy Father's Day to all of the Dad's today. My dad and my son included. Both of these guys live in other states than I do but our hearts are close. These guys are the best family anyone could hope for. My Dad tells me he is proud to have me for a daughter and thanks me for being me. Priceless.
My son is walking and expected to be discharged from in hospital rehabilitation next week. He keeps getting stronger every day, and we know who to thank for this blessing and gift of grace.Thank you all for your prayers and kindness and support.
again, Priceless.
On the airplane ride home from being with my son through his recovery in North Carolina a thought crossed my mind. I finally felt more heart ache in this recent experience than I had for grieving my Mozi cat I rescued and had adopted out when I moved last year to a place I could not keep him. I know he went to a good home, but my heart broke when I gave him up and I have had many times crying missing him since.
I am smiling like the sun this Father's Day, I hope you are too. Wanna see who else is smiling?
My new kitty that I was not planning on having. Kitty rescue. Farm drop kitty. I went to visit a friend yesterday and there in her driveway is this little sweetie meowing at me. Someone dropped him off and she found him in her barn with his nose layed open, something tried to have him for a meal. Then she accidentally ran it over so he limps a little. How could I resist? Even after protesting, several times, my heart was not going to let me leave him there and wonder what would become of him, so here he is, sleeping. A lot. He is a good boy, and happy to eat and be loved. My new little nameless furry baby. Maybe he won't be meant to stay with me long either, regardless, I know I did the right thing and he is safe now.
I am writing from home in Michigan today, and with the most grattitude and heartache I've ever felt in my whole life. The hardest thing I've ever had to do to leave my son's side. I know he's in the very best care from the Dr's and Nurses and his wife Jess there by his side in North Carolina. Grateful I got to be with him for the past week, and will be there again soon. God has been so good putting the USMC, friends, and family in the place we all need them during this time in our lives. Thank you all. We continue to need you.
I recieved the phone call on Memorial Day, Brent was in a diving accident and had broken his neck and was being rushed to surgery. I have never had a phone call like this in my life. He was life flighted to the best trauma hospitals in the world. Again, God was putting these things in place along the way. My baby has broken 5 bones in his neck, c7 completely removed, two surgeries, metal plates, titanium rods implanted. Much pain. So much fear. Everything put in place for me to be there with him this past week. The past days have been a whirl. God with us. So much support from family, friends, the Marines, his buddies, the institution as well. So many prayers, thank you.
Here are more of our blessings. Brent can talk, he has use of both arms and hands. He can move his left leg. He can feel his right leg but not moving it just yet. Wow. just wow. Thank you God. We are learning about spinal cord injuries. We are learning we cannot know the extent of damage for many weeks. At this point the surgeons have said he appears to have a very rare diagnosis of Brown-Sequard syndrome and his physical recovery is hopeful, and yet to be determined. At this point, he is doing pretty good (amazing) a miracle considering all he's been through, and the extent of his injury. He is afraid, he is a fighter, and I believe God is pulling him closer and showing him just how much he is loved. If you all would please include my son and his family in your prayers, we need you. God hears prayers and answers, and is so good.
PS: I got a few orders while I was gone and I will get these shipped out to you in the next couple days. I'm home, and staying strong for my boy. He's 22, yea, but he'll always be my baby. I am doing today, thats all any of us can do.
I was fortunate enough to have Marva Young, a fabulous customer send me these photos of a roombox bakery she did for her mom. “The Sweets by Sheila Bakery”
Not only did she send photos but she was thoughtful enough to thank everybody that she'd purchased or recieved help from in creating this piece. I was lucky to be one of them. Sheila, Marva's mom, runs her own baking business out of her home and this mini bakery is a not only a way to say I love you and love what you do, it's also a beautiful little inspirational piece with big sentiment (and lower electrical bill). I love the creme yellow walls with the black and white checkered floor, love the phone on the wall, and of course all of the sweets!
Ok so, news. What's new, everything. Where do I start? Things are good. Real Good. I have been thinking, discussing with some fabulous women, praying on what to do about my miniatures store. This quote I came across pretty much sums up the situation.
The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves || Steven Covey
Miniatures have a new priority in my life. I still love them, and they still fascinate me, and they are still a passion, but there's more. I'm working outside of the house now, sometimes 8,10,12 hours. I have some incredible friends that I love spending time with, road trips are planned, family reunions, 5K races, and whatever else I can fit in! I intend to live my life as it's bursting at the seams with excitement and love. And romance ;) Oh yes.
If you've never seen this video or heard this song, it's worth a look. It's what it's all about.
My world is incredibly different than it was when I opened the store in 2007, so it's only natural I have to make some adjustments. I've been putting it off as long as I could, but you'll soon see my inventory shrinking. This won't necessarily be a bad thing. The positive side of this is you won't see SOLD OUT throughout the store while shopping. When the item is gone, it's gone. Sure I might make it again, and surely many things I do keep as a regular item, but for a long while now I've missed out on the fun part of making new miniatures.
I would much rather be making the new cake and cupcakes, than responding to an email with regrets an item is no longer in stock. Lately I haven't even been able to respond it's so discouraging. So, time for change. Good things are coming, both in the store as well as my personal life. I need the freedom of expression back, and this is how I'll get it. I need to feel satisfied that I've done the very best I can for you. While you're shopping the store, you may still see some sold out items, I just haven't had the opportunity to turn off the already existing sold out stock. I'll get to sick of saying that:) So....with all that said.....
I'm not accepting requests for out of stock items because I have no idea when they'll ever be back in stock. That's pretty honest. This change will benefit everyone shopping in my store, as well as everyone in my life, as well as me. I feel like a brand new person!
Well, I am a brand new person. I run every day, I eat healthy, and I laugh often with people I love. I love you all, and am grateful for your support as not only customers, but as truly great friends, mentors, and people that care. All of yous:)
And as usual, lots to do here so I am wrapping this up and saying come shop the store, keep an eye out for recently restocked miniatures in the featured items area listed on the left, and new items too (when I get that chance!) I will also give a shout out on facebook when there is news. All of these links are here on the blog.
Hugs! Cathy McGhee
March 16, 2011
Hi! Just a quick note to let you know there is an active free shipping coupon code for all orders over $10.00 within the United States only please. Coupon code is "green". Have an incredible awesome blessed day! I will too! Cathy
Happy Valentine's Day from me! Schedule is: crazy busy but I'm not complaining:) I wanted to post today on Valentine's to say how grateful I am for all of the love I have in my life today. I am surrounded by the best friends and family I could ever hope for.
My daughter Megan and granddaughter Naomi, hanging out yesterday. I love you girls, endlessly.
Then there's this Never Say Never Justin Bieber movie. My friend Bob took me to. The fact he knew it was out in theatres was impressive, but his desire to take me to see it, hands down my kinda guy. Thanks Bob.
The movie title says it, the movie describes it, what one can do when they are surrounded with positive loving people in their lives that encourage good things, and to move past limitations or negativity set on us by others. Dream it, do it, live it! Be you. Aside from the fact that Justin Bieber is a little cutie and makes me all goofy when his song "U Smile" comes on, this kid reminds me to live with my heart wide open, dancing, singing, and loving the incredible person I am. Sharing with, and empowering everyone in my life. This is how I say I love you. This is how I say god loves us.
Did you know?
My miniatures site, The Fabulous Farmhouse almost never came to be. My husband at the time would tell me it was a waste of time and insist my priorities were elsewhere, right up until the day my friend Kim Saulter told me to believe my dreams. Kim said she loved my miniatures, she believed in me, and I could be successful if I tried. I got rid of him and kept her. Thank you my friend.You are priceless.
I have some packages due to post today so I will say goodbye, be blessed, be open to experience beautiful love both giving and recieving. And encourage others. We never know what may change someone's life. Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Cathy
My favorite photo lately of me being the 30lbs smaller version of me, wearing Jen's favorite glasses...
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